I don't really measure but I will estimate for you all
1 cup dried plantain
1/4 cup St. John's Wort
1/4 cup yarrow
1/2 cup Comfrey (contains allantoin)
Enough wintergreen isopropyl alcohol to cover the herbs
Place all of the herbs in to a quart jar, and pour enough of the alcohol over them to cover them and have about an inch of liquid above them. Let this sit with the lid on for about 6 weeks in a cool dark place.
After 6 weeks you will have a strong tincture **FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY
I personally leave mine soaking in the herbs and pour off just a little as I need it. Fill a small jar (baby food size) about half full with this liquid and add equal parts baking soda and stir. It will form a very runny paste. This GLORIOUS GREEN GOOP is the itch fighter of the GODS!! (Ok maybe it isn't that great but it sure works!) It will look like the pictures below. Apply this to bug bites or stings a soon as possible. The itch will seem to disappear magically from small bug bites, such as ants, mosquitoes and gnats! For stings, make sure the stinger is removed if there is one, then place a large blob over the entire area. Relief will start soon after applying. You can reapply as often as needed if the itch comes back. For poison plan trashes, mix in a few drops of a skin soothing oil such as olive oil, coco butter or my personal favorite coconut oil. Apply as often as needed.
WARNING* This mix will stain cloth, and will also turn the skin a temporary greenish, but easily washes off skin with water. **Shake well before each use.